Sunday, August 13, 2006

Tainted Love...

So, I'm totally in love with the choreographer/judge on sytycd Brian Friedman. He's kinda freaky and has a disturbing resemblance to a ferret sometimes, but I can't help it. I heart him.

It helps that he's a staunch Donyelle fan as well. That poor girl needs a judge in her corner. Take exhibit A below:

See how my Bri-bunny cheers for Donny?

And see how happy it makes my Donyelle?

So that's pretty much all I have to say after reading the transcript of the recent interview with Brian with TV guide TV chickie ppl....okay yah, I don't know the real name of the show cuz I don't get that channel here in the frozen hellish north. Sometimes Canada sux. But I still don't want to be American. Unless that meant I could marry Dane.


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