Okay....so on to my new televised obsession of this season folks, the new show on NBC called
HEROES. Zomg people, this show is teh shiznit!!!!!! If you haven't seen it, for the love of all that's holy do so and do it now. It comes on tonight at 6PM PST and it is the coolest thing I've seen in years. 
So what is this amazing show you ask, and why is it so special? I'm so very glad that you asked because I haveth answers! First, I'll introduce you to the characters on the show and give you a minor dish on them and then the general storyline so far (thankfully, we're only 2 eppies in - well three if you count tonight).
Warning 1: First off though, I should warn, if you're not a person who is at all interested in fictitious shows (and by that, people having supernatural abilities/mutations type stuff) then it won't matter what I type here, you won't dig the show.
BUT I will say this, that even though this is a slightly sci-fi type show, its not nearly as hokey as the Smallville/Mutant X genres of shows. The writing is
SUPERB and the storyline thus far is freakin' genius. I beg you to give this show a chance before you dismiss cuz I doubt it will disappoint many.
Warning 2: There are some mild spoilers in the stuff below, so don't read if you plan on watching first
Anyhoo, on with the stuff...
Peter Petrelli (played by Milo Ventimiglia) First off, the fact that my favorite bf of Rory from GG is in this is a big plus. I love this guy and it sucks that most of his tv endeavors since GG have hit the crapper. This show may finally hit paydirt for him. So Peter is a mild mannered nurse in New York who has a super crush on one of his patients' daughter, who has premonitional dreams about having super powers. He believes he can fly, and finds out that he can...but is he also a psychic? It's speculated so far that he may have the ability to mimic the powers of others, but that still remains to be seen.

Nathan Petrelli (Played by Adrian Pasdar)
Yet another great TV actor that has been shafted show wise, who hopefully hit the bullseye this time. Nathan is a politician (and also Peter's older brother) who's currently running for office in New York. He's uptight, no-nonsense and seemingly incredibly self absorbed. He has the power to fly. The show has made it seem like he's perhaps known about this for some time, but has kept it quiet for reasons of wanting to be normal, and considered a wee bit sane. He doesn't want Peter to embrace his new abilities so much as bury them as deep as humanly possible.

Claire Bennet a.k.a. Clairebear (played by Hayden Panettiere)
Okay, I've loved this girl since I first saw her on "Remember the Titans". Cute as a button and can act to boot. Our dear Claire is a Texas highschooler with the amazing ability to heal herself from seemingly every type of mutalation. She can't die. She can get hurt (though it seems she has a high pain tolerance as well) but it doesn't stick. They've nicknamed her "Teflon" girl so far. Claire is also more than ready to forget her powers, all she wants is to shake her pom-poms and live a normal life. Sadly, her abilities won't let that ever happen.

Hiro Nakamura (played by Masi Oka)
Now, I'm not totally sure if I've seen this actor before, but if he's new, he's making a hell of an impression. He's funny, animated and natural, a perfect combo for a show like this. Hiro is a Tokyo nerd that's already addicted to the super powered world of mutants, Star Trek and all other things geek. He discovers on his own that he can control space and time with his mind. Pretty damned cool - and dangerous - power. He manages to teleport himself to NY from Tokyo while at the same time travelling several weeks into the future. He can also stop time if necessary. It will be interesting to see how this particular power develops as it affects people around him.

Isaac Mendez (played by Santiago Cabrera)
Again, this one is a new comer to me, but has likely been in a bunch of TV snippets here and there. Isaac has a powerful but scary power of premonition. But he can only seem to get these visions through heroin use. He seems to only be able to see the future of other "freaks" like himself, seeing everything from their day to day interactions to the big moments of their lives. He's actually made a living on it by putting them into a comic that he authors and illustrates. He's afraid of his powers, mostly because one of his visions is that of a nuclear explosion levelling NY, and he feels powerless to stop it. But sadly, the heroin is cancelling out his credibility.

Simone Deveaux (played by Tawny Cypress)
This has got to be one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen in my life. The sista is bangin! Ahem, but I digress...She's the daughter of an ailing man that is being cared for by Peter Petrelli (see above) and has managed to capture Peter's heart. Sadly, she's in a relationship with Isaac, which is stressing her out beyond belief because she thinks he's a delusional drug addict. She has feeling for Peter as well, but as a true addicts gf, she's trying to stand by her man (whitney and bobby anyone?) We have yet to see if she has any actual powers or is just linked to people who do.

Niki Sanders (played by Ali Larter)
Ah, Ali, a TV vet and a b-movie star. Well, she gets to play the sultry but scary Niki, who's powers are as of yet undefined. She sees a her reflection in the mirror, but its not really her that she sees. It's almost like she has a split personality, but the other Niki is pure evil. It may be that she can perhaps splice herself into two people, she may even mutate to some degree, but we haven't seen it in full action yet. She is the mother to Micah, and the two are currently on the run from a loan shark that wants repayment on Niki's $25,000 debt.

Micah Sanders (played by Noah Gray-Cabey)
Cutest kid ever, and so far, a pretty decent lil actor. Anyhow, no superhuman tricks as of yet, beyond the fact that he seems like he's some kind of electronic/mechanical genius. His mom may be a serial killer and his dad may be a gangster, but other than that, this kid's future looks really bright. [/sarcasm]

Matt Parkman (played by Greg Grunberg)
Let me say that I loved his character on Felicity, and am happy to see him on the tube again. Matt is your friendly neighbrohood cop, who just happens to be able to read your mind. He's just discovering his powers, and the first time he uses it (which ends in saving a poor terrorized little girl), it sadly gets him arrested. But it also gets him a job with the FBI. Could be good news.

Mohinder Suresh (played by Sendhil Ramamurphy...trying so hard not to sing ramalama here)
Don't know this actor, never seen him before that I know of, but he's kinda cute and so far, really kewl to watch. Anyhow, Mohinder is the son of a late geneticist who believed that the human race was about to undergo an evolution into something bigger, namely superhuman gifts. Mohinder was a teacher in India, but on upon hearing the news of his father's death, promptly moved to NY to continue his father's research. He has no abilities as yet, but he may have the key to finding "evolved" people. This knowledge is wanted by some unknown powers that be also, who have already figured out that these evolved people exist. This poses a danger to Mohinder's life and a race to find out about these people before the "bad guys" do.
So those are the main characters that we've seen so far, and the plot is just beginning to unwind. Seriously people, this is the best show that I've seen since "Lost", and that's saying a lot. Its just as addictive, mysterious, funny and original. CHECK IT OUT ALREADY!!!!! You'll love it, promise.
Off topic, I haven't mentioned much about the benjelle lately due to there not being a whole lot of new news. But there is now, if you didn't already know. There is no relationship benjelle, just a friendship benjelle. Thats totally cool, but I know its broken the hearts of many a benjeller. But hey, Benji seems over the moon about it and Donny seems happy too, so its all good. We can all just wish to find someone we can be such close friends with AND get a person to love on top of it all! Anyhow, time to sleep or something like that...
~RP off to watch Heroes....again...~