Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I heard a rumor...

Okay…so I guess this whole Benji is he/isn’t he rumor mill needs to be addressed to some degree since its caused way more waves than I thought possible with just a few words and a couple of teasing blogs.

So I’m not going into any deep analytical detail about all this, because a conspiracy theorist I am not. My bottom line on all this is that Benji and Donyelle are PEOPLE. They have their own thoughts, aspirations, dreams, and more importantly FEELINGS that are completely independent of ours. Am I a shipper? Of course. But I’m a shipper of the relationship that benjelle have as a dancing couple. I’m a shipper of their connection as two people, one whatever level that they decide is right for them. The romantic in me would have been over the moon if they had a romantic relationship as well, but if its not so, it’s not so. Its really not the end of the world. My definition of a fan is someone who is attracted to a person because of - them! Not who they date. Benji is a twenty-two year old single man with needs and desires just like the rest of us. He already said that he wants to be married. That’s one of his goals, and after watching this season of SYTYCD, it’s safe to say that he goes after his goals with both guns blazing. So for people who claim to be his fans to berate him because he’s making decisions contrary to what they want are not real fans, they’re just selfish. I want Benji to be happy. I want Donny to be happy. And guess what, they are. And they are together, doing what they do best – dancing and entertaining.

So can we all just stop the bickering and “backlash” and whining and just be happy for our favorite dancers. If you still want to hope for future romance between the two, go for it. Apparently Benji himself said that you never know what the future holds. And its been said many a time that if something is really meant to be and two people truly love each other, nothing in this world will stop it. So, I say again, be happy. If you’re truly a benjeller (or benjellie depending on where you hang) you know that we’re in it for the long haul with these two. [/rant]

On a happier note, new eppie of Lost on tonight, mucho excited as its beginning the season with a bang.

~RP Out ~


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Rogue Prinzess Diaries: I heard a rumor...