The Ded Hath Arisen
So its been forever since I blogged here. My bad. Not for not wanting to, but been soooooooooo busy and had a bout of bad health. But I'm still alive-ish, and gonna try and keep up the good times here. So much has transpired since Oct of last year. Too much to get into in one entry. But highlights:
1)Benjelle front - not much here really. Saw some vids of them at Entyce (Tyce Diorio's dance thang) and they looked as cute as ever, but nothing too shippy from what I heard. I still think there's love there though, we'll have to see...
2)HEROES!! Still love this show with every fibre of my being! Everytime I keep thinking that there's no way the show could get any better - it does! Its the new primetime crack...and sadly on hiatus for another 3 weeks! Its like sweet torture...
3)Lost - sucking bawls lately for me. I've kinda lost interest, but I'll try to catch up when the season ends and see if I'll have it in me to watch next season.
4)Smallville - WTF? I don't know what to think of this show anymore. Its gone from mediocre to mediocre/bad. I can only bear to watch because I needs small doses of Tom Welling on a weekly basis. Methinks it may be time for ol' Clarkie to hang up his flanel
5)Grey's Anatomy - Booyah! this show is still rockin' along! Bottom line (for me anyways) Burktina are the cutest ever, MerDer may just make it in their screwed up little way, Alex is finally growing up, Addison is too funny, BAILEY IS QUEEN, O'Callie/Georgallie are meant to be together, Chief is the king who had to learn the hard lesson and IZZIE is a HOOOR! Keep it up, Shondra, you're kicking some serious @ss!
6)American Idol 6 - I usually don't get far beyond the audition stage with this one but lord help me, I'm in love with Melinda Doolitte! She's amazing!! And very close seconds to me are LaKisha and Nikki, some actual talent this season!
Other than that, just looking forward to some upcoming flix that i think will rock the house, but that's for another post...
Okies...bedtime, cuz I'm getting old and stuff.
~RP Out~