Season Finale or Fiasco?
Okay, I have to do my little rant about the 4400 season (possibly series) finale this past Sunday.
/Deep Breath.... okay, so below is going to be my summary, if you haven't seen it then please avert your eyes for all of the italisized part below....
Well we start out at the hospital with Captain Whiny aka Danny Farrell who has managed to kill his own mother out of his constant need for validation and jealousy of his big bro with the 'magic hands'. It isn't until he's killed about, oh, two or three dozen ppl does he realize that he's the freakin' plague. Of course, who does he go running to? None other than his big brother Shawn to dig him out of yet another mess. I have to give Kudos to Shawn's character, I would have kicked his sorry ass to the curb after all the warnings he gave that brat about not taking the shot. But alas, he's a bigger person than I am.
So they put Cap'n Whiny on the Inhibitor, and it makes him sick since he's now a Promicin dispenser that can't dispense. Now my question, oh brilliant writer gods, why oh why didn't anyone (Shawn, Burkhoff - ANYONE) remember that JORDON COLLIER can take promicin OUT OF PPL? I mean, true, he may have wanted Cap'n Whiny to carryout his death breath as it helped his cause, but since the writers knew that Jordan was about to become a Marked one, they could have spared Shawn the loss of his entire immediate family in the course of 48 hours. Not that I particularly wanted cap'n Whiny to live (cuz I was ready to kill him m' own self) but poor Shawn. If there's anyone who's been kicked around the most this season, its poor Shawn. Anyhow, I'm done ranting about that poorly played out plot line. On to the next one.
Kyle. /sigh . He will be forthwith known as Gullible Gus. I have never seen such a blatant example of a mindless lemming as this one in like, TV history. Gus has his red head whip master who tells him when to jump and how high and who to kill and when to take over promise city when Jordan's been missing a whole 2 hours. He doesn't question or even think for himself anymore. He knows about the Marked and yet, it never occurs to him that maybe just maybe the future dudes could have, I don' t know, planted his book o' prophecy and orchestrated everything that he's doing. Why oh WHY couldn't he have died instead of Shawn's mom? If anyone else really needed to go in that family, it was Gullible Gus. And now, after all his poor father has been through, rather than be a good son and try to console him or use his pea sized brain, he offers his dad the shot that could potentially kill him too. Cuz losing family in droves is like, so much fun. I...detest...this...character. /rant
And now for what I think was the biggest punkout of the finale. Okay so you kill Isabelle. Yah, she deserved it. She's been a very naughty girl. She's lied, killed, and tortured people. She helped the Marked. She almost (but sadly unsucessfully) killed Kyle. But she has SOOOOOO much potential!! I just don't get it. The writers creat this neraly all powerful being with whats essentially a blank slate, and the only thing they can think of to do with her is have her sleep with all the young male stars and then get killed trying to save two ppl who wanted her dead in the first place? COME ON! Why bother even bringing her into the story line if you didn't know what to do with her? There has to be more to Isabelle. There has to be proper closure. Not just some "kill-switch" that ends all. Speaking of which, they totally didn't explain. I sincerly hope that they give her a second chance like Collier got, maybe have the peeps who sent Tom back send her back with a real PURPOSE. But, since she's a) black and b) obviously a writing hurdle for the script team, I think this is the last we'll see of her. I shudder to think of what next seasons going to be like.
And finally, dishonorable mention has to go to the Mya turn around. She seemed like a sweet girl. And now she's suddenly Anakin Skywalkered on us. She's happy Jordan's in control now? Are we serious? Now the tweenie-bopper is copping attitude and thinks she's better than the "normals"? Clairvoyance or not, Diana needs to lay an oldskool beat down on that pretentious lil brats ass. Nip this lil slip in sanity in the bud before she completely turns to the dark side Diana!!
Alright...I'm done with my rants. But it had to be done. Other than that, good news on the new season starting front. Grey's is back this Thursday, and hopefully it will redeem itself from the drudgery that was the majority of last season. I look forward to seeing how the whole Callie/George/IzzMe debacle gets solved. How it is resolved will affect whether or not I continue to watch it, quite frankly. I'm totally unimpressed with Isaiah's departure, and if Callie gets punked out in this whole triangle, I'm done with Grey's. Period.
Looking forward to Private Practice, now that Shonda has a fresh baby to play with, I'm hoping for some good stuff. Heroes is back next Monday (YAY!) and I totally can't wait for that. Kinda looking forward to a new season of smallville as well, hopefully they won't frak it up this year.
Thats about that...back to constructive stuff....
~ RP OUT ~