Tuesday, August 29, 2006

AAAAAAAAAH Benjelley goodness

OMG OMG!!! So finally, someone's graced us by actually putting up the pics from last weeks radio interview!! SOOO happy. There's nothing overly squeeworthy, but some benjelle pics! YAYERS!!!!!

Ready and.....SQUEEEE!!! They look so totally adorable together (and eerily alike)

Alright, well that'd be my squeefest for today, and man was it worth the four day wait. Not as good as spoilers, but better than nothin'!

EDIT: Those who are part of the LJ community will find a couple more on the benjelle community if your members.

EDIT2: I'm going to fix these pics later, photobucket resized them and hence the digitized crap. Sorry.

EDIT3: K, so I finally fixed them...after like 400 of you saw them already...teehee oops...

~A very contented RP~


Blogger RoguePrinzess said...

isn't she though? Its like my eyes just gravitate to her no matter what! African goddess!

8:37 PM  

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Rogue Prinzess Diaries: AAAAAAAAAH Benjelley goodness