Knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone…
Okay, in my efforts to detox from “Dance” and the Benjelle a bit, (they’ll forever be in my heart, but I’m sorta addicted to obsessions and this one’s gonna be on the back burner during the tour so…) I’ve decided to gear up for another one of my favourite shows, Grey’s Anatomy.
So just to remember where we all were, the season ended with some pretty huge things happening to just about everyone of the intern crew. But there are only a few that I’m actually concerned with.
1) Poor Dr. Preston Burke was shot in the line of duty. Just minding his own and some fool let him have it. Very sad thing to see basically because he’s such a proud man, but not in a horrible way. Anyhow, he may lose the ability to operate, which is pretty much the equivalent to death for him. We saw the season end with him dying to lean on Cristina, who wasn’t sure if she could be the rock he needed. But in the end, her heart overrode her fears, making for one of the most touching scenes in this show’s history.
2) Then of course, there was “Meredith’s Choice”. Bah. I’m soooooo sick of her whining over her poor daddy issues and trying to use it to excuse her whorish behaviour. On a more positive note though, nice to see Chris O’Donnell again, though he’s not exactly aging well. But anyhow, it was an interesting way to set up the scene for the “triangle” that is McMerinor.
3) Then of course *sigh*, there’s my favourite geek and his angel. That’s right folks, I heart George O’Malley. He’s just so sweet and mild, humble and yet strong. He’s kinda what you wish most guys were like. [/gush] Anyhow, we all know that last season was a ROUGH one for l’il Georgie. He finally got to be with the woman he’d fantasized about forever, and it was every man’s worst nightmare. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he then got kicked out of Burke & Cris’s place after making kindred spirit friends with Burke. Enter the gorgeous, wonderful, amazing Dr. Callie Torres (I prefer to think that it stands for caliente), who challenged George to be a man, a challenge he accepted and rocked her world. Then there was the “I l _ _ e you incident, that almost cost George his relationship, but he came out in great form with what I consider to be one of the sweetest speeches ever. Then there was the uber hot kiss that was like…sex with lips…oh and a bit of tongue! Oh yeah, you nawty boy, T.R.
That there'd be da tongue-age

And I just threw in this pic of Doc Bailey, the Queen B cuz she’s the shiznat. Seriously, her lines and delivery of said lines makes her my favorite female on this show. This scene was gold, her barking out orders on how to make the perfect prom a la Seattle General. And then when the crew looks at her like she has a second head, she ‘girlfriends’ them right back into place. Gah, she’s nifty.
And in totally unrelated news, someone on Benji’s MS posted a pic of Benji, Donny and Heidi on the set of the Tyra show. And ZOMG, Donyelle is like the only thing I can see in that picture, she’s sooooooooooooooo freakin’ hot. Okay. Done.
EDIT: OOOh lordy, found another pic of Donny and shamelessly stole it
Srsly, how can one woman stand being so hot all the time??? So jealous of the person who got to hug her here. Bloody mahvelous.
~RP off to do some work~
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