Somebody Save Me
Alright, almost time for a fresh new season of Smallville. This could be very exciting, though I think this may be the last season of my beloved show. They really don’t have anywhere else to go with the storyline as is.
But on with the story, as they left it in the season finale, poor dear Clark was foolish in letting his softer side get the better of him in not wanting to destroy Zex, or Lod (not easy to combine two 3 letter names). Anyhow, he was all like “fight it Lex” and Lex was all “Hello? I’m evil, and now I have superpowers and your ex-girlfriend, as if I’m fighting this”. Then Zod took over Lex’s body and sent Clark on his Milky Way in the two dimensional prison that he’d been imprisoned in for god knows how long.
All of this happening of course after Zod’s drone, played by the impeccable James Marsters, wreaked havoc on the world as we know it by destroying all of our precious “technology”. Now that may not seem huge, but I know I’d go apesh!t if anyone took away my internet. But I digress…Lana has decided that Zex is her man du jour, poor Mrs. Kent and Lois are on a plane headed for the the stratosphere without the hassle of having oxygen, and Chloe was taken by street people. But my absolute favorite part of that episode was this:

SQUEEE! I wanted this to happen all season. Hell, all 5 seasons. A kiss between Clark and Chloe, or Chlark, where both parties were: sober, not under any kind of possession, spell, meteor-rock influence, chemical reaction, or anything that can otherwise be conjured by Luthorcorp or any other meteor rock mutant. Okay fine, so Chloe thought it might be the end of the world, but the point is that she had the balls to go for it, and as we can see, Clark responded and quite well at that. I really hope this means a little Chlark action this upcoming season, even if its only for a few months. I love these two together, and I’m sick to death of seeing Lana whore her way back into Clark’s affections over and over again. But that’s a whole other post.
So all in all, can’t wait to see how Clark gets out of his 2D prison, saves the world, if he flies this season, if he and Chloe get a crack at love, or if he and Lois start heading down the eventual path. Lots of potential this season, lets just hope the new “CW” network doesn’t screw it up.
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