Okay, so last night *big* season finale… I won’t go into detail on all the show cuz in truth the only ones I cared about were Donyelle and Benjelle so, they’re parts are mainly what I’m going to talk about. Deal.
So Shane Sparks routine with top 20 was entertaining enough, not as good as the “Poison” routine earlier this season, but still very inventive in having a hip hop dance that let the ballroom, contemp and swing dancers showcase their thing. He proved why he’s one of the best choreographers on that show. On side note though, his hair was like…the biggest mistake ever, I really really hope he lost a bet.
Highlights reel…could they seriously have left any MORE of Donny out of it? I mean its like they want the world to forget she was ever a top 4 pick. T’was truly disappointed in that.
The BTS from last week, okay *insert deep breath here* I was way ANGRY at how much the *jidges* comments threw Donyelle off last week. By the time she was prepping for her contemp with Travis, she was a nervous wreck. How can a group of human beings that call themselves choreographers who are supposed to be HELPING these dancers, not breaking their spirits and trying to make them stumble. Brian Friedman has been the ONLY creative critiquing judge on that show thus far, next to Mia. (Yes, I do like the MEa even though she can be very bitchy, her critiques are always on point, long winded as they may be)
First Benjelle moment of the night (well technically it was in the group dance when for ONCE they ended up together in the front, arm in arm and according to an eyewitness account, Benji was stroking Donny’s side with his thumb in the ending pose which I must admit caused minor squeeage on my part), in the BTS when they showed them before the VFW2. The holding hands was so classically them, it melted my heart. I died when he kissed her hand ever so gentlemanly. And then when Donyelle was talking about how bittersweet this last dance together was, then looked at him, got choked up and then said she was going to get emotional… /cry! Seriously, I heart these two so much its scary.
Ramalama part deux. First off, I must say, I effing love Wade Robson. I want to have an illegitimate child with him more than he’ll ever know. And more importantly than his wife will ever know. Damn her for getting to him first. But I digress, it was way cool to see this dance again, mostly cuz Benjelle had the same choreo and still danced together (aww). Two squeeworthy things about that dance, the benjelle were totally matching, both in red, the color of love and fire, no coincidence there methinks. Also kewl is that Donyelle’s corset showed off just how INCREDIBLY tiny she is, her waist was like, non existent. Take that you haters and shove it up your peehole. (sorry, still a bit bitter about that)
Second Benjelle moment, Donny’s farewell vid. She did the best with reading from a script, and I heart how she said that her and Benji were the best couple. Sigh, if she only knew… not too happy about the “You can’t stop the beat” reprisal, mostly due to the total lack of sensuality and the return of the horrid, god-awful, straight from the bowels of hades pineapple dress on Donyelle. But she KILLED that dance, zomg. She hit every last move in that dance with precision and fierceness that I think even scared Benji a little. And a little shout out to the hair department for learning how to make a secure pony tail. NOT. I loved how she held the ending pose for a good minute, staring straight at the judges with a huge smile. That was the best, most classy “F U, you stuck up bastards” I think I’ve ever seen on a competitive show. I think after that performance that if anyone uses the word “outdance” to Donyelle again, they’ll be personally snap kicked to the face by Mia and Brian. Loved the Benji!nuzzle at the end of the dance, reminiscent of earlier benjelle when there was more obvious love, and again cut way too short. I also couldn’t help but get misty eyed when Benji took her hand and they ran off together from stage. It was so 50’s movie. And Cat totally gave them the “awww” look again, she’s such a shipper, I love her. Hope they keep her for next season.
Then…*sniff*…the beloved Donyelle farewell. Her solo was fantastic as usual and I don’t think her choice of song was an accident either (I’m Free). Her dress was adorable and her spark was back in full force. ZOMG. I am not at all an emotional person. Seriously. I used to have to hide a snicker at the old War Amps commercials. But last night, her speech had me dangerously close to tears. It was just so simple, powerful and classy, just like her. She made Mia and Brian cry (which made me heart them more) and I think even Cat got a bit misty eyed. I loved how Benji was amping up the crowd for her and cheering for her in the background. And according to the same above mentioned shipper that went to the show, there was a Donyelle chant during the commercial break that was initiated by Benji’s friends. Total class. Love these peeps. I can’t wait to see what you do next girl. I’ll be waiting with baited breath.
I didn’t really care what happened after that, depression swept over me, didn’t help that the actual sighting of Nessie happened after DD (donny departure as Brain coined it) sitting with her family. I really want to believe that they’re not dating, but that was still a kick in the gut. I won’t get too much into the whole Nessie thing, as I really want to keep the fantasy alive until I hear the words come out of Donyelle’s mouth that she’s with him. Benji is supposedly gonna be on Reg & Kels tomorrow, that ought to get some skeletons out of the closet.
Oh yeah, Benji won by the by, like you didn’t know. He cried like the girly man he can be sometimes, but still kept it together enough to stay off the floor this time and actually give Travis some props. That brings me to the one horrendously annoying point of the night.
So Benji’s all having his Ms. America moment after he hears his name, finishes hugging Tracy-er Travis, and then the other top 20 peeps start to rush him. That’s all fine and good, but here’s sweet, gorgeous and wonderful Donny walking up behind him, her eyes two green saucers of love, pride and longing, just trying to give the man a squeeze of congrats (and as an important side note, she was totally crying/squeeing for joy when he won) and what does she get? COCK BLOCKED, that’s what she got, from like EVERYONE. Who the f*ck wants a hug from Jaymz the whiner? Aliwhore can go drape herself over Tracy and they can go have a swackload of contemp babies elsewhere. But to block my dear sweet Donny until well after the damned 19e logo spat in all our faces was just incredibly LAME. And the last shot we get is her being squeezed to the back of the group hug all back of the bus like Rosa Parks. I wasn’t impressed people. That just made me switch the T.V. off in anger. Then directly proceed to rant on the internet with my fellow benjellers.
But all blocking aside, my overall view of the finale was that it was underwhelming. The only real fresh performance with Bway1 revival and I guess you can count the Dmitalie union (which was too boring for me to watch in entirety). We all knew who was going to win like 3 weeks ago, so it wasn’t really suprising. The only thing I’m going to look for in the next couple weeks is if I’m wrong about Nessie and Donny. I really want there to be more than just a great friendship between benjelle, but if that’s all I get, c’est la vie.
So that’s my recap. Don’t know if I’ll watch again next year, cuz I don’t thin anyone else could capture my attention like this again, besides, I heard that Lacey is trying out next year, and though I love the Benji, I really can’t handle watching another season of Schwimmer madness – unless its coupled with Donyelle and Benji being together and showing up all snuggly to cheer Lacey on together. But I digress…
Will get some sexy caps on with Donyelle and Bway1 revival when I get a HQ vid downloaded.
~RP out to do some actual work ~